A Carnal Agreement (Regency Intrigue Book 1) Page 6
He gestured for her to take a seat. “Obviously I didn’t exhaust you sufficiently. I’ll do better tonight, or perhaps later this morning.”
He studied her in a way that made her blood run hot. As difficult as it was to ignore the melting sensation in her legs, she refused to let him know how easily he flustered her. “I have no complaint with how you fulfilled your duty.”
He took two plates and began filling them from the steaming trays. “I am glad to know you approve, but you have only begun to learn my skills.”
As Mark sat her plate in front of her and joined her at the table, Cassandra fought not to fidget in her chair. The mere thought of the things Mark might do made her want him to show her right then and there.
Mark gave her a wicked smile as if sensing her distress. After polishing off an enormous serving of bacon, Mark said, “I sent a few footmen to search the area where you were shot. I’m going to join them when I finish eating.”
“Excellent. I’ll go with you.”
He froze, his fork halfway to his mouth. “You most certainly will not.”
“Since I am the only one who knows exactly where the incident happened, I would be quite useful in the investigation.”
His fork hit his plate, and he pierced her with his sharp green gaze. “You will stay in this house until we discover whether or not this was an accident.”
“I am not going to sit here like a prisoner. Besides, Artemis needs exercise.”
“One of the grooms can see to that. I will not have you risking your life.”
She scowled at him. “You are overreacting.”
He rose from his seat and knelt by her chair. Startled, she let the roll she’d been eating fall to the floor. “You will obey me on this. I will not have you hurt again.”
His face was only inches from hers. She smelled his unique scent, like leather and fresh spring grass.
“Why does it matter so much to you?” Her voice came out far breathier than she had intended.
His eyes were wide, and he let go of her arms as if they had scorched him. He looked almost panicked. “Is it so hard to imagine that I should not like to see an innocent woman die?”
He turned and stomped out, leaving her to finish the meal alone.
Even with her heavy habit and her warmest cloak, the wind cut her. Steam poured from Artemis’s nostrils, and the mare seemed none too pleased to be out on such a cold morning. Artemis was usually as agile and obedient as Cassandra could wish, but this morning, the mare was reluctant to move faster than a walk.
Perhaps Artemis sensed her rider’s tension, not to mention her discomfort. The daring split skirt of Cassandra’s riding habit allowed her to ride astride. While this was her preference, the pressure of the saddle on her most intimate region made her only too aware of the places Mark had touched her and how vigorous he had been.
When she approached the wooded area bordering the field where she’d been shot, her heartbeat accelerated. What if Mark was right? What if it wasn’t an accident? She couldn’t be lucky enough to take a mere grazing a second time.
She heard voices as she approached the trees, and she tugged on the reins until Artemis stilled. The next words came from the footman who’d helped her the night before, Nicholas.
Now if she could only stay hidden while keeping close enough to hear what the men were saying. She dropped from Artemis’s back and looped the reins around a low limb, whispering to the mare to keep silent and praying she would obey.
Cassandra moved in the direction of the voices, taking slow, careful steps. She heard a hushed voice, which she recognized as Mark’s, but she could not make out his words. She moved a few feet closer, stopping behind a tree and straining her ears. Nothing. Had they moved on to continue the search? She hadn’t heard anyone move.
An arm closed around her and someone hauled her away from the tree.
“I told you to stay in the house.” Mark’s breath was hot against her ear, but his voice was eerily calm.
She struggled against him, but he held her as if she weighed nothing. His firm body was pressed against her back. One arm imprisoned her waist. The other remained about her neck.
“I told you I wasn’t going to be ordered around.” She refused to let him know she was frightened.
He tightened his hold, and she gasped. “Do you want to die?”
Still he held her.
“Damn you!” She forced the words out as she tried with all her might to kick him.
With enough speed to make her dizzy, he whirled her around to face him, holding her by the upper arms.
“Then you’re going to listen to me!”
Her anger boiled over. She gulped in air and lashed out with her foot. Mark’s keen reflexes prevented the kick from landing where it would do the most damage. But she made contact with his thigh. He grunted and stumbled back, but he did not fall. The look of pure animal rage in his eyes made her back up. She’d made a mistake. She no longer needed to worry about the shooter coming back. Mark was ready to kill her himself.
She stepped back again, but she bumped into the tree she’d been hiding behind.
He was almost on top of her. Her heart raced. She swallowed a scream.
He put a hand on either side of her head, trapping her against the tree. Fire burned in his eyes. His body radiated such heat, she expected steam to rise from it.
“Never. Do. That. Again.”
She nodded to show she understood.
He didn’t move.
“You scared me to death and you think you can—”
His mouth came down on hers and cut off her words. His kiss was brutal as if he wanted to pour his anger into her. His tongue thrust into her mouth, and a stab of lust ran through her, nearly making her knees give.
He pressed her back against the tree, giving her no chance to escape. He was rock hard where he pressed against her belly, and she had an insane urge to lift her skirt and let him take her there in the woods.
The friction of his tongue on the roof of her mouth made her moan and press her hips to his.
His hands reached under her cloak and massaged her breasts. The fabric of her shift rasped against her nipples, and she wanted to feel his mouth on them again.
Sliding her hands along his back until she cupped his firm buttocks, she kneaded them as he did her breasts. He groaned and pressed his shaft against her. Instinct made her open her legs and tilt her hips, rubbing the center of her need against his hardness.
The crack of a twig brought them back to reality. Mark pulled away, and Cassandra turned to see Nicholas standing in the clearing, his mouth hanging open.
“What is it?” Mark growled.
“W-we found some tracks, sir.”
“Show me.” Mark grabbed Cassandra and pulled her along with him.
“Don’t even think about leaving my sight”
Later that day, Mark let his stallion have his head as they flew across the meadows. The tall grass slapped at his boots, and his greatcoat whipped around his legs. When horse and rider reached the rocky hills marking the coast, Mark nudged the stallion toward the path that would bring them safely to the coast. They descended to the spot that had quickly become a favorite of Mark’s. He dismounted and sat on the jagged outcropping of rocks while he tried to sort through what he had learned of Cassandra’s attack.
He had spent the early afternoon hours visiting some of the older villagers whom he had met when his father brought him to the castle as a child. He’d hoped they might have seen a stranger or heard some rumor about Reddington and what he was involved in. But he’d not turned up a single clue.
He ran his hands through his hair as a vision of Cassandra entered his mind. At least she hadn’t followed him to the village. He’d told her he was in need of exercise and would be taking a long ride, alone. Then he told Nicholas, one of his footman to keep watch over her and see that she stayed in the house.
nbsp; Every time he thought of Cassandra’s presence in the very woods from which she had been shot, a red fury closed over him.
For all he knew she might never come to his bed again after his display of temper. He shouldn’t have treated her so roughly. But if scaring her was what it took to save her life, he wanted her scared. He kept imagining her being shot right in front of him while he stood by, powerless to help.
She was the most stubborn woman he’d ever met. But as infuriating as she might be, he was determined to keep her safe. If he had to tie her to his bed to protect her, then he would do so.
All his instincts told him Cassandra’s injury was not the result of an accident. Someone wanted her dead. The footprints they found in the woods told them nothing. They fit the pattern of boots belonging to most farmers for miles around.
With no leads and no evidence, he didn’t know how to continue the investigation. All he could hope for was that one of the villagers he alerted would overhear something in the next day or two. He feared he would have to tie Cassandra up to keep her inside longer than that.
Andrews called to Cassandra as she ascended the winding stone steps, intent on writing a letter to her sister. “I’m sorry to disturb you, my lady, but a letter came for you earlier. I was unable to find you after breakfast.
“Thank you, Andrews.” She met him at the landing and took the letter.
“Do you require anything else, my lady?”
“No, I intend to be in my chamber until supper. I assume Mary will call me at the correct hour.”
“I will see she does.” He bowed and turned to go back to the foyer.
Cassandra opened the letter as soon as she closed the door to her sitting room. When she read its contents, her shock nearly had her sinking to the floor right there. Instead, she forced herself to take the few steps required to reach the chaise.
She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, and read it again, hoping to find the words changed.
Dear Lady Reddington,
I regret to disturb you, but I needed to inform you that Reddington Abbey was burglarized last night. The family chambers were ransacked, though I do not know if any of your personal effects were taken. The other servants and I searched the grounds but found no trace of anyone nor any indication of forced entry. I pray this is unconnected to the events which transpired in France, but I am uneasy.
Sincerely yours,
Arnold Loring
Until she read those words, Cassandra had nearly convinced herself her injury had been an accident. Now, she knew for certain it could not have been.
Should she tell Mark about this development? He would become even more insufferable and controlling. Yet, she was scared. She wasn’t truly reckless with her safety, no matter what Mark thought. She was simply used to solving her own problems.
A chill passed over her as she remembered the look in Mark’s eyes as he had pinned her against the tree. Would he have taken her right there if Nicholas hadn’t found them? Her heart fluttered at the thought.
For the rest of the morning Mark had remained cold and aloof. He made certain she stayed near him, never letting her stray further than an arm’s length, but he hardly spoke to her. When his gaze touched hers, the spark of passion was gone.
When they had arrived back at the castle, he informed her of his plan to go for a ride after taking a solitary lunch in his study. He ‘d not sought her out since then. Had she pushed him too far? Would he decide she was too much trouble and send her away?
She hoped not. She still needed to be in his bed. And now, she had to admit, she needed his protection.
If frost had formed on the table in the dining room, Cassandra would not have been surprised. The evening meal was as unlike the previous night’s as it could be. Mark hardly acknowledged her presence except to offer her more wine or inquire if she was ready for the next course. When a footman sat a plate of berry pie topped with cream in front of her, Mark didn’t glance her way, much less offer to feed her.
Mark excused himself shortly thereafter, and Cassandra sat at the table fuming. If he wanted her gone, he needed to say so. Otherwise, she expected him to fulfill his part of their agreement.
After a brief search, she found him in his study. He was bent over his desk, writing so fast his pen flew over the page. She wondered what correspondence could be so urgent. Reluctant to interrupt him in mid- thought, she stood in the doorway, watching and considering what she was going to say.
“If you will not leave, at least come in and sit down. It is rather hard to concentrate with someone hovering on the threshold.”
He never looked up, nor did his writing slow. How had he known she was there?
She sank onto the leather sofa and pulled her legs under her, positioning herself so she could see him over the back of her seat. She watched him seal the letter and lay it aside before he stood and approached her.
He smiled but with none of his characteristic teasing or the heat he had shown the night before. “I suppose you have come to berate me for my coldness, remind me you are in charge, and force me to bed you.”
“I suppose I have.” She held his gaze even as she sensed color rising in her cheeks.
“I imagine you will be successful with the latter. I have given my promise after all. I never believed to escape it.”
Fury swelled in her. “If taking me to bed is so odious, then I will pack my things and leave immediately.”
He sat beside her and stroked her cheek with his knuckles. His gaze grew heated. “Touching you could never be anything but delightful. I am more concerned it will be too pleasurable. I might forget my anger when I feel your heat again.”
She frowned. “You are only angry because you cannot control me.”
“Perhaps that is part of it, but I am far angrier that you show no concern for your own safety. How can I protect you when you throw yourself into danger? Your willingness to approach me with your proposal should’ve shown me how reckless you are. I will not allow anyone else to hurt you, but I don’t have the strength to protect you from me.”
She started to ask why she would need protection from him, but he placed a finger against her lips. “Stand up.”
Her body obeyed without thought, as if for that moment it did belong to him.
He walked around the sofa so they both stood in front of the fire. “Turn around.”
When she did he began to undo the buttons on her bodice. As each one opened, he kissed the newly exposed flesh before moving to the next one.
The light brush of his lips made her long for more. Heat built in her body and rushed toward her center, making her aware of the secret place between her legs which Mark had so thoroughly awakened the night before.
When Mark pushed her dress from her shoulders, his hands brushed against the sides of her breasts. She groaned, longing for him to toy with her nipples and give her the same shooting sensations of pleasure he had before.
He loosened the tapes of her petticoat and let it fall to the floor. Then he gathered the fabric of her chemise and pulled it upward. She stretched her arms up so he could remove it completely. Suddenly, she was naked except for her stockings.
She turned to face him. “I want to see you too.”
“You will have your chance to explore. But first, I intend to give you something special. I saved it for tonight.”
Her heartbeat accelerated. “What?”
“I would rather demonstrate than explain. Sit.”
He gestured toward the sofa. She backed up until the backs of her knees hit the edge of the seat, and she had no choice but to sit.
He knelt before her and pushed her legs open. “Lie back.” Once again, she obeyed without a thought, letting her head come to rest against the velvet cushion, heart pounding wildly.
He supported himself on his hands and leaned over to kiss her. She met his lips eagerly, opening her mouth and letting his tongue tangle with hers. His mouth moved to her
throat, and she twined her fingers in his hair while he licked, kissed, and nibbled his way across her breasts.
She couldn’t hold back a whimper when his tongue made contact with one of her nipples, lapping at it, then licking with long hard strokes. The room grew warmer.
Mark made growling noises as he slid his lips further down her body. He inhaled as he looked up at her. “I can smell your desire, Cassandra. Tell me what you want.”
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t you?” He ran his tongue from her navel to the top of her curls. “I want what I had last night. I want to explode.”
Mark closed his eyes and drew in a few shallow breaths. His hands tightened against her waist. “You will, Cassandra. You will.”
He lowered his head toward the juncture of her thighs. Was he really going to kiss her there? “Surely you’re not, you can’t.”
He did, and she could no longer speak. At first he used only the lightest touch of his tongue, tiny flicks that tickled her like the swipe of a feather. She tried to press his head against her, but he refused to give her the pressure she wanted.
“More! Please.”
He laughed, the sound muffled by the closeness of her flesh. Then he sucked her tight bud into his mouth, and her hips bucked sharply. She cried out, begging him to stop and not to stop, so dizzy she knew not what she said.
Mark couldn’t get enough of her. Her honey was an aphrodisiac to him. The more he tasted, the more he wanted. Her fingers twisted painfully in his hair, and her hips pressed against his face. He sensed the tension building in her body. It would only take a little more to push her over the edge and give her the explosion she craved.
He thrust his fingers into her passage, groaning as her internal muscles squeezed him. Her whimpers grew louder as he nipped and tugged on her clitoris while he worked his fingers deep.
Her body convulsed, the contractions of her release milking his fingers. It was all he could do to hold his control as he imagined her squeezing his cock the same way.
Once again she had pushed him to a point beyond his usual detached control. He had intended to enflame her, to her make bold, so she would explore his body and get to know him as he had her. Now he couldn’t endure such torment. If he wasn’t inside her within seconds, he would lose his mind.