A Carnal Agreement (Regency Intrigue Book 1) Read online

Page 9

  She looked at the large serving of eggs, meats, and fruit. Before she could protest that she would never eat that much, he spoke again, using his sexiest voice. “After last night, I thought you would need a large breakfast to restore your strength.”

  “Did you now?” She gave him a sarcastic smile. But once she began to eat, she realized she was quite ravenous. “So what is our next step in tracking Reddington’s killer?”

  “There isn’t much more to be done here. I’m going to London this afternoon.”

  “I shall pack as soon as I finish eating”

  “There’s no need. You will be staying right here.”

  His pronouncement sent the tender feelings he’d stirred the night before fleeing before her anger. “If you think for one moment you are going to go to London while I sit quietly in your house and wait for your return, you are sadly mistaken.”

  “You are welcome to return to Reddington Abbey if you would prefer. I spoke to Loring this morning, and he assures me that he will see to your safety.”

  “You spoke to Loring? How dare you go behind my back and make arrangements for me?”

  “Loring needed to be told about Henry. I did not think you would enjoy being woken before dawn, so I rode to Reddington Abbey myself.”

  “Don’t pretend you didn’t know I’d be angry.”

  “I did what needed to be done. Now, I am going to London, alone.”

  “No, you are not.” She tucked her loose curls behind her ears. “We will discuss our travel plans later. First, I want to know what Loring said.”

  “I see no reason to divulge the contents of our conversation.”

  “If you won’t tell me, I will go ask him myself.” She stood from her seat, but Mark grabbed her arm, holding her still.

  “Sit down. I will tell you what you need to know.”

  “What I need to know, not what I want to know?” Cassandra asked.

  “Damn it, Cassandra. Sit down.”

  His commanding tone made her furious. If Mark and Loring had concocted some ridiculous plan Mark didn’t want her privy to, she had a better chance of making Loring tell her. She pulled free of Mark’s grasp and headed for the door once again.

  He caught her before she escaped, turning her to face him and pressing her against the wall.

  “I’ve had enough of your childish behavior. You will listen to what is best for you and do as I say.”

  “Perhaps if you did not treat me like a child, I would not react with such anger.” She struggled to escape him. “Unhand me. I no longer wish to stay here. Nor do I wish to have your assistance.”

  He kissed her then. His lips crushing hers as he pinned her to the wall.

  She wanted to fight him, but she couldn’t prevent her impassioned response to his touch. Before her mind registered her body’s actions, she’d unbuttoned his waistcoat and pulled his shirt free of his pants. She was desperate to feel his skin under her hands.

  He gathered her skirts in his hands, pulling them up until he bared her thighs. She wrapped one of her legs around his waist and pressed against his hand as it slid between her legs. An electric jolt ran through her when he found her entrance.

  He continued to kiss her ferociously as his fingers slid in and out in an ever-quickening rhythm. Pressure built between her legs. She spiraled upwards rapidly, but she wanted more. She needed to feel him inside her.

  He sensed her urgency. His free hand slid to the back of her thigh, and he lifted her other leg as he pressed her into the wall. Her fingers dug into his shoulders to keep herself steady while he worked the buttons of his pants.

  The sound of a door opening down the hall brought Cassandra to her senses.

  “Mark, the servants,” was all she managed to say, but it was enough. He held her waist and pulled away from her, letting her legs and her skirts drop.

  He raked a hand through his hair and took a few more steps back. “Go to my study. We will finish our conversation there.”

  Cassandra stood still, trying to catch her breath, rather enjoying how flustered Mark appeared.

  He scowled at her. “Now.”

  She kissed him on the cheek as she swept by him. “It’s nice to know I’m not the only one overwhelmed by desire.”

  Little minx, he thought as she left the room.

  She was right though. His need for her hit him like an unexpected storm. One minute he had been angry enough to throttle her. Then suddenly he was kissing her, and he couldn’t get enough. If she hadn’t stopped him, he would have taken her right against the wall.

  He didn’t care what the servants thought. It wasn’t their place to judge what he and Cassandra did. What did worry him was his loss of control. He’d had no intention of touching her at all.

  If he was going to keep the upper hand in this relationship, then he had to be in control of all his emotions, including the nearly painful lust that consumed him every moment he was around Cassandra. He couldn’t let sentiment take over. He’d done that with Katherine, and it had sent him straight to hell.

  He pulled the bell rope, summoning a servant and requesting tea and scones be brought to his study. Cassandra had not finished her breakfast and neither had he. They both needed more sustenance after their nocturnal exertions.

  A picture of her as she lay basking in the afterglow of pleasure came unbidden to his mind. As soon as he returned from London, he intended to see how long they both could last. Maybe in the process he could quench his unrelenting hunger for her.

  He arrived at the door of his study as a maid entered with a tray. Cassandra stood next to the window, staring across the lawn, her back rigid.

  She turned to face him as he approached her. “I will not stay here while you go to London.”

  “I already told you I would be perfectly happy to escort you to Reddington Abbey.”

  “I intend to go with you.”

  “You will do no such thing.”

  “How are you going to stop me? Will you lock me in my room?”

  “If I must.”

  “Then I will climb out of the window and follow you anyway.”

  “Are you always this difficult?”

  “Of course. My father has three daughters. Why do you think he chose me to sell to Reddington?”

  Mark heard the pain underneath her words, and it tore at his heart. She looked out the window once again, but he grasped her shoulders and turned her to face him. “I know what it’s like not to be wanted.” His fingers trailed down her cheek and traced the outline of her lips. “I want you to stay here because I care about your safety, not because I wish to abandon you.”

  She pushed his hands away. “I don’t need a champion. I can solve my own problems. Your job is to—” She stopped speaking suddenly. Her cheeks grew red, and her eyes widened.

  He didn’t have to guess what she’d been going to say. “My job is to fuck you?”

  She sucked in her breath. “Mark!”

  His words were cold. He almost regretted them, but she’d cut him. Once again, he was nothing but a plaything.

  She leaned against the windowsill and exhaled harshly. “I’m sorry. I did not mean to be so insensitive.”

  Her words were so quiet he almost didn’t hear them. Did she really think of him as only a body to use? He wished that was all he felt when they came together.

  He took a deep breath. She didn’t know women had been using him all his life or how much it hurt him to be seen as a toy. She probably thought his myriad of meaningless affairs were all he wanted from life. For many men, they would be more than enough.

  Unfortunately, a man with a faulty bloodline, no title, and only a modest income was not marriage material. Katherine had made that abundantly clear. He supposed he should consider himself lucky he found lovers so easily. Before Katherine, he had longed to feel more from a woman. Now he wished he couldn’t feel at all.

  “Apology accepted. I’m tired of arguing with you. I should be on the road to London. Will you stay here, or
do you require an escort to Reddington Abbey?”

  She turned to face him. Anger in her eyes once again. “I’m coming with you. You have a contract to fulfill, and you cannot do so if we are separated.”

  “I will be back in a week.”

  “I refuse to waste any of the precious time I have.”

  He studied her. Tight curls hung in disarray about her face. The rest of her hair spilled down her back, restrained only by a ribbon. Deep color infused her cheeks, and her eyes were wild and alive. She looked thoroughly unrestrained, and he didn’t want to go an hour, much less several days, without touching her. Perhaps she would be safer where he could keep an eye on her.

  “You have one hour to prepare yourself for the journey. While we are in London you will obey my every command, and you will remain in my house where I can fulfill my part of the contract. Otherwise, I will be working alone. Is that understood?”

  She looked at him quizzically as if she could not believe he had agreed. Then she rushed for the door saying, “Half an hour is all I need.”

  He noted that she never agreed to his stipulations.


  By the time their carriage rolled to a halt at Mark’s London residence, Cassandra’s legs were so stiff she feared they would fold under her when she attempted to stand. But even if she had to crawl, she would get into the house and see that a bath was drawn immediately. Then, she would let Mark know exactly what she thought of his ridiculous plan to make her stay trapped inside while he unraveled the mystery of Reddington’s death.

  She had intended to use the journey to convince Mark she would be assisting with the investigation, but Mark spent most of his time riding his stallion alongside the carriage or feigning sleep in the seat across from her. The one time they had stopped for more than the minimum time required to consume a meal, he had taken her into a room and rendered her incapable of thought much less speech.

  Her hot bath was like a slice of heaven but by the time she emerged from it and dressed for dinner, Mark had escaped. Andrews had come up to London with them, and he informed Cassandra that Mark had gone out for the evening. Andrews cautioned that she would not want to wait up for Mark.

  She wasn’t going to let Mark get away that easily. After she finished her evening meal, Cassandra selected a book from the library and curled up in a chair in Mark’s personal sitting room. Each time the clock in the hall chimed, her anger grew.

  Suddenly, a hand was shaking her awake. “Why aren’t you in bed?”

  As the cobwebs in Cassandra’s head cleared, she realized the speaker was Mark. She rubbed her eyes and looked around the room. She remembered hearing the clock strike two only moments before, why was the sun streaming in the windows? And why wasn’t she in bed? Oh yes. She was waiting for Mark to come home. Except apparently he’d been out all night.

  “Why aren’t you in bed? What have you been doing all night?”

  “I asked Andrews to inform you I would be late.”

  “This isn’t late. It’s the next day.”

  “We are in London, now. This is the time most fashionable rakes return home.”

  “Were you investigating my husband’s activities or were you engaging in the expected behaviors of a fashionable rake?”

  Mark massaged his temples as he sat on the edge of a chair. “I would rather discuss my evening after I’ve had some sleep.”

  “I waited all night to talk to you. I’m sure you can spare a few moments now.”


  Cassandra smoothed the wrinkles from her dress and sat up straighter. “Where have you been?”

  “The location would mean nothing to you. I needed to find out who among my acquaintances were in town.”

  “Were your mistresses in residence?”

  “Why should it bother you if they were as long as I continue fulfilling the terms of our arrangement?”

  Cassandra wondered the same thing but refused to consider the possible answers. “I do not need you distracted from your duties to me.”

  Mark raked his hands through his hair, heightening his disreputable appearance. “Damn it, Cassandra. I have not been wasting my time visiting women I would be perfectly happy never to see again. I left London for a reason. I was sick of my life here, and I have no desire to return to it.”

  “Then go back to Devon.”

  “I am not going to leave you here to die.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  Dark anger flashed across Mark’s face. “I may not be a gentleman, but I can be counted on to protect you, even from yourself.”

  Cassandra forced herself to ignore the pain coming through in his voice. “Fine, but I will not be confined to this house. As soon as I can dress and pack, Mary and I are taking up residence at Reddington House. I refuse to hide my presence in town.”

  Mark shook his head. “Cassandra, if we are seen together, everyone will assume we are lovers.”

  “Society can assume whatever it wishes. I am not sitting at home while you solve my problems for me. If I were going to do that, I could have stayed at Northamberly.”

  “I allowed you to come to London, so I could fulfill our bargain. I will not expose you to greater danger.”

  “I came to London to investigate my husband’s death and the threat against my life. I will do that with or without your help.”


  The warning growl in his voice was clear. She fought to keep her words civil. “I understand your concern for my wellbeing. I am forced to admit I’m not as physically strong as you. Therefore I am not as well prepared to defend myself from attack. However, I know more about Reddington’s acquaintances than you do. I may recognize someone whom you would never think to suspect.”

  “Cassandra, you were the one who insisted on discretion when you made your proposal.”

  “That hardly seems important now. Other women of the ton take lovers, why shouldn’t I?”

  “If we are seen together, and you start increasing, it will be assumed the child is mine. Others must know Reddington has been in France.”

  Mark was right, but she couldn’t let him sway her. She wasn’t some delicate flower who sat at home while others risked their lives. “The will only said I needed to have a child. It did not specify that Reddington had to be the father.”

  “That’s a hell of a risk to take.”

  “I will visit my solicitor later today and inquire.”

  “Do not bother. No matter what he says, I will not risk your reputation.”

  Cassandra took a long slow breath. Fighting to stay calm. “Then I will have to find the killer on my own.”

  “I cannot allow a lady to go to the places I will need to go.”

  “I can handle myself.”

  “No, you cannot.”

  “I will visit Mr. Jenkins, and we will continue this discussion this afternoon. I expect to see you at Reddington House by teatime.”

  Mark grabbed her upper arms and jerked her against him. “You will not leave this house without guards to protect you. Andrews will introduce you to the men I have hired. After I have gotten some sleep, we will discuss your role in this investigation, but you are not to go anywhere alone. Is that clear?”

  “Perfectly, now let me go.”

  “Not until you promise to do as I say.”

  Cassandra wanted to refuse him, to tell him she would be safe in the crowded, day-lit streets of London, but something in his eyes stopped her. Along with the anger, she saw fear. “I promise.”

  “Thank you.” He released her. “I have a meeting midday with a friend who may be able to help us. I will call at Reddington House when I return.”


  Cassandra left Mr. Jenkins’s office, satisfied she’d been correct about the wording of the will. Afterwards, she went straight to her aunt’s townhouse, followed closely by her guards. When her aunt’s butler, Sanders, opened the door, she saw her sister making her way down the stairs.

da gasped. “Cassandra, is that truly you?”

  “It is I. I’m sorry I could not warn you of my arrival in advance.” Amanda rushed to the door and flung her arms around Cassandra, forgetting all sense of decorum. “That hardly matters. I’m thrilled to see you.” Amanda leaned in close to Cassandra’s ear. “Are your plans moving along nicely?”

  “I’ve been in such a whirlwind, I hardly know,” Cassandra said.

  Amanda’s smiled and her eyes sparkled as she took her sister’s arm. “Let’s find a private seat, and you can tell me all about it.”

  Cassandra nodded her acceptance though she dreaded the conversation. When her sister said she wanted to hear all, Cassandra knew she truly meant it. Her cheeks heated at the thought.

  Amanda turned to her aunt’s butler. “Sanders, please see that tea is sent to the conservatory.”

  “Certainly, Miss Halverston. Should you care for any other refreshment?”

  “I had a tray in my room, but Lady Reddington may.”

  “No, thank you, Sanders. I breakfasted before I left home.”

  Cassandra followed her sister to the conservatory. The room was an excellent choice. If anyone else was about, they would not want to sit there since the tall windows let in cold air. When they were seated together, close to the fire, Amanda implored Cassandra to tell her more about Mark.

  Cassandra struggled against her desire to censor her story for her sister. Amanda was no longer a little girl. In fact, she’d never behaved like one. She was the most serious young woman Cassandra knew, yet she managed not to be dull. Her curiosity made her want to learn about everything the world had to offer. Relations between men and women were no exception. In fact, Amanda was quite eager to learn as much about men as she could, though more as a defense against them than because she longed to be involved with one.

  Still, sometimes her practical sister could be quite romantic. There was an underlying passion in Amanda Cassandra hoped would someday be brought to the surface. Thus far, it was only evident in the expressiveness of her exotic eyes that contrasted so completely with the conservative clothes she chose. All three girls in their family looked quite similar, but each also had one distinctive feature. Cassandra had gotten an excess of curls, while Amanda had eyes a deep shade of gray which appeared lavender in soft light.